The Sara Giles Moore Foundation Trustees meet at least twice annually, once in the fall and once in the spring.
Fall Grant Cycle
Submit Letter of Inquiry (LOI) between December 16 – June 30
Your organization will be considered in the fall grant cycle if funding was granted from the Foundation in 2017 or later AND if the organization completes a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) between December 16 and June 30. LOI notification is provided by the end of July. Organizations asked to move forward in the process will be provided with the proposal due date and will be required to schedule a site visit. Applicants who submit a full proposal are notified by the end of October.
Spring Grant Cycle
Submit Letter of Inquiry (LOI) between July 1 –December 15
Your organization will be considered in our spring grant cycle if funding was granted from the Foundation in 2017 or later AND if the organization completes a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) between July 1 and December 15. LOI notification is by the end of January. Organizations asked to move forward in the process will be provided with the proposal due date and will be required to schedule a site visit. Applicants who submit a full proposal are notified by the end of May.